Thursday, July 16, 2009

this is the life...

First things first. I do not hate who I am, what I do or those I work with. This blog records the ramblings of someone learning to adjust to a new job, new town and new stage in life. There are good days, there are bad days and there are just days.

The most difficult thing I've found myself having to deal with since leaving the comfort of university is uncertainty. Maybe this is something everyone has to deal with, perhaps it is something unique to the life of an exploration geologist. In any case, despite being a self-acknowledged control freak, I've ended up working in a job with no fixed roster and moveable targets.

The biggest problems with this arrangement are social. Without being able to commit to future events, maintaining existing relationships is difficult, establishing new friendships almost impossible. In the past, I've found the easiest way to meet new people is to get involved in activities, be they sports, classes or volunteer organisations. But doing this usually requires the ability to commit a portion of your time on a regular basis. I'm currently trying to learn tenor drum, and nominally involved with a community garden project, but can't dedicate anywhere near enough time to either.

Currently dedicating more effort to overcoming the barriers work imposes on my social life as my dearly beloved has headed to South America for a 4 month long adventure. Thinking of trying to find a social tennis comp that won't require long term commitment and maybe some taekwondo or yoga. Will see how it goes.

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